Here is the first segment of my homebrew world of Oros. This is a Darnal Valley, a lush 'valley' in the largest continent of the southern hemisphere. It is a transitionary zone, moving from the hot populated plains up into the mountains. While on the edges of their known civilization, the Darnal valley is relatively tame. There are 3 major groups of people, the goblins (to the northeast), the tribal gnomes (to the southwest), and the townsfolk (primarily human and elves). These groups live in psuedoharmony, staying clear of each other. However, there is always a trouble maker or hundred to stir up some problems...

Let me know what you think! I tried to depict the rising altitudes & hills by using the mountainish symbol, as well as, by using denser clusters of forest. Lots to improve for the next one!

Darnal Valley.png

Drawn on A4 bristol board.
Using copic multiliners and pigma microns.
Grayscale faber castell markers were used to shade in the mountains/hills