In a future approaching sooner than we know, the countries of North America are shattered by war. Left to pick through the dross of once-prosperous communities, hastily constructed states vie for control of the few remaining natural resources and recycled history. Near-constant skirmishes replaced total war - for a time. Recovering knowledge and materials have led to a rapid arms race by the more powerful states, and the desire for even the slightest edge has pushed science to the brink.

Dr Harlan McAuld, a military scientist for the Appalachian Federation, felt this pressure as he developed a superweapon: genetically enhanced soldiers, their existing anatomy augmented through a symbiosis with a newly discovered fungus - a human mycorrhizae. This symbiosis gave the soldiers enhanced senses, strength, and intelligence, all while sapping their inhibitions and fear. Soon, though, the relationship revealed itself to be more parasite than symbiosis. Dr. McAuld, on the verge of shuttering his experiment, makes a seemingly innocuous mistake, letting the Symbiots, and the fungus itself, into the world. The Appalachian Federation soon succumbed to its own creation and the remaining nations were forced to respond to this growing threat.

Symbiot attacks, infectious spores, and their own shifting political alliances once again threaten the survival of the people of North America. Can they survive in spite of their differences, or will a new species begin its slow takeover of Earth?

That's the blurb anyway. This is gonna be a piece of Firefly style cartography, which I've never done before, so let's see how it turns out!

Here's the basemap:

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