Hey all,

As I assume is pretty typical, I play D&D, specifically as a DM, and I tend to find that the most fun our group has in session are when there isn't a real plot, but rather, events and plots that can happen in an area, which the players can explore, and things feel more organic that way.

So, I'd like to organize my notes in such a way that it works visually, moving from area to area.

I have a worldmap, of my campaign setting (Barovia, I'm doing Curse of Strahd):


And I'd like each of those icons to be a clickable area, that will take me to a new page, new section, whichever. Let's say I click on 'E', which corresponds to the town of Barovia, and I'd like to define the clickable area as something larger than just the 'E' button, covering, say, the entire town in that worldmap.

Then I come to a new map, with some general information, and new areas for me to click on, including an area (say the title of the map) that would take me back to the worldmap.


Then I click on some of the houses, and I go to a new area, a specific house:


As you can see, it contains a map of the house, with sections set for each floor. I'd like to be able to say, click the title, and go back to the map for Barovia village, then click the title of Barovia village, and go back to the worldmap.

But if I click the floor, I go to the floor map.


And the floor map shows each of the areas, which is rooms, and then when I click on a room, I go to the room section, which has a map of the room and the information for it:


I'd like to be able to click on the little slivers of the other rooms to go to the page/note for that room, or click on the room I'm already in, and go to floor page. In addition, I'd like each of these pages, World, Village, House, Floor, and Room, to be able to have notes, or hyperlinks to other pages, and some sort of navigation so that I can manually go to those pages, just by clicking through a cascading menu.

As you can see, I already have something similar jerry-rigged in OneNote 2016, where I have little items of text, and then I can click on those to go to separate pages. However, it's a little inconvenient, because it has a full text box, which opens up, but the only clickable link part of the text box is the text itself.


This can be kind of annoying, and it'll sometimes have me select to type in the box I'm hovering over, rather than clicking the link of the box next next to that one, that I'm actually trying to click.

I don't need the solution to be pretty, I don't need to be able to zoom in and out, I just need it to be convenient, and very light on resources. I'd also rather not learn an entire coding language like HTML or Javascript to do it, so if a simple website would do the job just fine that'd be great, but I'd need to find a good builder that would make something simple, since Wix and Squarespace try to incorporate all these java elements that I don't need.

Some Secondary Goals
  • I'd like to be able to define clickable areas that aren't simply squares, like say a circular area.
  • I'd like to be able to edit the pages and page information right there in the page, without having to open up a separate area, since the whole purpose is to be able to take notes for sessions.

I don't need these things, but they'd be really nice to have. I'm more than willing to use a service that does all of the above, even if the clickable areas are squares, and I'd have to open an editor to change anything.

Reading back over this, I guess I should clarify: I'm not looking to have someone make this for me, I'm looking for a service that would enable me to make this for myself, and describing the ideal situation that service would be able to provide.

Based on this description, can you guys think of anything that sounds like it describes what I'm looking for? I've done a ton of research, but when I look up `clickable map DnD/D&D`, all I find are ways to generate new land maps or dungeon maps, not notate a map you already have.