
It's been a fair while since I've posted here, and that's primarily because I haven't really done anything significant. I had posted a WIP of a map of New Zealand, but I ended up scrapping it completely because of an inking error. Regardless, I started again from scratch, and after somewhat of a hiatus, here we are. I edited it slightly to make it darker, since my camera isn't particularly good, and neither is the lighting or my photography skills..... Which is why the picture is somewhat askew.

I share a love/hate relationship with this piece. On one hand, I'm happy with the cross hatchings on the mountains and parchment, the stippling, and to some extent the calligraphy (technically not calligraphy, just writing I suppose). What I'm not particularly happy with, is the border, and the canoe. The border in particular ****es me off, just because of how uninspired it looks. I wanted to make a Maori inspired border, but of course it didn't look as good as I had imagined it would. The canoe looks a bit wonky, but that's just because I can't draw worth a damn.

I think that's all there is to say on my part. All kinds of criticism is welcomed, be they constructive or otherwise. I'll find a use for them all.

Oh, and the poem is ostensibly called "New Zealand", by J. K. Baxter (what? Did you expect subtlety on my part?).