Bluewater Keep.jpg

A castle / keep work in progress. It's not for a a client. I started fussing with it to try something new. It uses a 3 point perspective grid nightmare and some hillside shaping bits which are invisible at the moment being a foundational sketch and all, but basically the keep is situated in a bit of a valley on an incline. Easily the most complex piece of perspective i've ever tried, and I am personally satisfied with the perspective results as I have never achieved anything of this complexity before. I just sort of hit a pause on the direction. I have some vague idea of doing a top down castle layout to go with it and selling it on DriveThruRPG.

As a sketch, I like it. I think I can get something nice if I color it right. And I do have the vague stirrings of the story of the town/castle to go with.

I am also open to ideas on how to progress to get to a useful kit for a castle keep. I feel like this is the beginnings of a showcase of the town art piece, but there also needs to be a detailed view of the main building to make it useful for a game. If anyone has any good inspirational art that'd be cool. I usually work at a much more distant scale.

For now, since it's unfinished and not cleaned up yet, I don't mind if someone wants to use it non-commercially so if you run into this and this line is intact, the high res is still attached, you are welcome to swipe it for your game or color it for funsies.