I remember when computers were little more than oversized electronic paper which lost your files far too often. Programs promising to "Inventory your entire library!" were just spreadsheets which required that you sat down and type every single book you owned into a spreadsheet: as much work to stay organized as just writing the books on paper. Now, the Goodreads app on my phone contains a barcode scanner which uses the phone's camera to automatically pull up the exact edition I own.

What does any of this have to do with maps? Maps are one of those world building tools which authors don't need ... until they do.

Writers should be able to describe objects with words. For example, I can say that the two main nations on my world are in a big peninsula shaped a bit like Italy or Florida but much bigger. How much bigger? Imagine extending from Kiev to Cairo and about four times as wide as Italy too. More like the width of Poland.

But when a war starts in my novel and all those hand-waved distances suddenly become very important, it is handy as an author to have a scale map.

Beyond pencil and paper (and an occasional scanner), what tools have you used to easily manipulate a scanned map? How well did they work? What did you like and not like about them?

Like the Goodreads app in my intro, I'm certain advanced map programs exist which do not require more work than pen and paper to use. With a little help, I just have to find them.