Hello, folks. I'm looking forward to participating in this forum.

I've been fascinated with maps all of my life, especially vintage ones of places I've lived or visited. I'm always wondering, "What was here before?", and old maps help me to answer that.

I don't really consider myself a cartographer, just an appreciator (for the maps themselves and for the people who make them). When I was a kid, though, I did spend a lot of time drawing some rather crude ones to go along with whatever weird thing I was into. Most famously, when my friends and I created our own micro-nation, we made maps along with flags, constitutions, war declarations, etc. I tended to redraw the boundaries every few days to absorb some neighbor's yard and house, and although I always thought I should notify my new acquisition's inhabitants that they now owed taxes to me, for some reason I would never get around to it.

Thanks for adding me.

Steve Smith
Chapel Hill, NC