I got a bit of time to focus on crafting something for this challenge.
I knew I wanted to join in with this one.

It's not going to be a super big one, just something to be part of the fun.
I had an old thumbnail of some islands and I have wanted to do a map with it for quite some time.


So I decided to work off of that and make a very nautical themed piece.
But I also didn't know where in Guildworld this might be.
I had intended to do something that was in Nahadua, but well, it just wasn't happening.
So this is.. somewhere in Guildworld... reminiscent of the random generator

Who knows if I'll finish up in time, but just glad to finally be in the challenge.
So let's set sail....

### Latest WIP ###
Somewhere on Guildworld 01-01a.jpg