So we've been challenged to map the lair of a superhero (or super villain). It had to be someone well known and established. Well, I chose my 'super hero' from television, Xena, Warrior Princess (I know... but, girl power!)

So I tried to figure out what kind of lair she would have. What I ended up doing, is going back and watching some of the first episodes. So Xena, and her friend, are more nomadic than anything else... they always seem to be on the road, headed somewhere. I also remember that, because of what she had become, she wasn't really welcome at home. That, and over the coarse of the series, she made quite a few enemies, so her lair wouldn't be easy to find.

I decided that she probably lived deep in the forest somewhere, either in a cave, or very near one. I have actually started this challenge, but right now, with everything else that's going on, I've only really been able to complete the foundations of this map. Not much to look at yet, but it's coming along...

### Latest WIP ###
Xenas Lair4.JPG