Inspired by Pixel Danc3r and their wonderful Pixel Art Map, I did up a map of the central region of Ākeletchо̄.

The map is unlabeled save for the translated legend in the bottom left. I wanted to try and convey the story of the place through pictures. For instance, city and town icons from the same culture will have a similar look. This is part of a larger, ongoing project that I have been compiling for several years.


Ākeletchо̄ - the Salt Sea Empire - spans the heart of the Central World. Their people are known as the Sote and have a long, respectable history. The great capital of Zea Wо̄wonha, located on the southern shores of Kel Tālā, is the greatest city in the Six Salt Seas Region. Many prominent Soten towns, villages, and monuments are shown on this map.

Zea Wо̄wonha.gif
Zea Wо̄wonha

Also depicted is the Minin Sea and the Church of the Holy Navel in the north-western portion of the map. Located in the vast Pranfa river basin, the Minin are a proud people mistrusted by the Sote and their neighbors. The Minin are in a state of constant war with their neighbors to the south, and the sites marked by crossed spears - Rif-tefa in Minin - represent the string of fortifications built by the warriors of the grassy steppe.

Crossed Rif-tefa

In the south is Hā Teter, a Great Desert. The nomads in this region will travel more than 1500 kilometers every half-cycle to witness the yearly flood of the salt pans in the west before traveling back to exotic passes of the Zarhid mountains for trade month. Their path of Wandering is marked by large totemic markers erected from the petrified remains of enormous trees.

Petrified Totem

There are many other secrets hidden in the map, including pirates and traders, the Free City of Andi Karro, the secret water-gourd trees of Wo Bēwewāw (Jungle-Trees cast dark shadows), and I can't explain them all. Feel free to ask questions about any secrets you may find.