A while ago I started drawing country maps for a ttrpg I've been working on called Ungodly Possessions. There are a lot more to do and I have at least three that I've started but are unfinished. If I'm remembering right, the images should be listed in the order in which they were made.

Made by drawing out basic sketch with pencil and going over with 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 and fine liners on sketchbook paper. Many of the names were either from random generators or inspired by real place names and toponyms. Those that weren't, such as the country names, were made up randomly several years ago before I knew anything about toponymy and etymology but I've since retroactively tried to give them in-world linguistic origins.

Nugrarth Map.jpg

Rugrosa Map.jpg

Estony Map.jpg

Brige Map.jpg

Osen Laeyd (this looks the wrong way round for some reason, but when opened is the correct orientation)
Osen Laeyd Map.jpg

Menanoth Map.jpg

Artland Map.jpg