Favorite fantasy world...that's a tough one! If I had to choose just one it would; of course, be Middle-Earth ( bet no one saw that coming! lol). Like many others I'm sure, reading Tolkien as a child; 40 years ago or so, drew me into my life long love of fantasy...& fantasy maps! To visit The Shire, walk ancient forests with Ents & Elves, tread the deep halls of Moria...who wouldn't jump at the chance?

If allowed more picks...next on the list would be Mystara from the earlier worlds of D&D. Spent many years running adventures there & it's another world I'd love to visit! Many others are very cool, but my main criteria for a favorite is would I want to visit or live there. So while I may love reading about some of the "darker" worlds, wanting to visit is a hard NO! Warhammer, Warhammer 40K...awesome to read about, visit...HELL NO!!!! lol Most video game worlds also tend to be too gank heavy or over populated with nasty wandering monsters. For them, I'll restrict my visits to my gaming. So Tamriel, the world of The Witcher & Azeroth are also out, though I love playing games there!

After, Middle Earth & Mystara I would probably have to choose Faerun. D&D has had many compelling worlds but Mystara & Faerun would feel the most like "home" to me from all the years playing there & reading about the worlds. Experiencing the magic, all the creatures & races...would be awesome as long as I could manage to do it without getting killed! Greyhawk, Golarion & Glorantha would definitely get honorable mentions. The last 2 would be higher on the list probably but I'm just not as familiar with them as the others. Sure something else will occur to me later but thats good for now.