A finished map and me, just wanting to destroy something of mine so that I can re-build it. I've attached the original illustrated map of a little place that was once Wrenhollow. The text is a bunch of rpg-speak that can be ignored, if you wish. The map(s) are a faux-iso style. I have no idea what faux-iso is, but I've seen it used to describe some of my maps. I like the descriptor, so I'm sticking with it .

Essentially it's a space where Player Characters, and the viewer, can roam. A few interesting sites and the rest is just hours and hours of dead trees. Some of my maps run a thin line between illustration and actual map. But my philosophy is simple – if it gets you from Point A to Point B, it's a map. Everything else is gravy. The details I've added are moot unless there's at least a couple of points and a clear way of getting from one to the other. And here's me running the thin line between engaging and rambling.

Goblin-Hall-Wrenhollow-1.png Goblin-Hall-Wrenhollow-2.png