Greetings fellows, I hope you are well.

Jumping in the ring, my partner for this challenge is Levtrona. The request appointed to me is as follows: "Map me a river. Any stream of water."

I've interpreted Lev's commission as a chance to return to my roots. I'm working in pencil, my favorite medium. I've sat it aside for a good while to practice in pen, so the return to graphite is close to my heart.
This time I'm mapping an area known as the Avori Lowlands, an ancient cradle of civilization. This challenge has doubled for motivation to revamp some river no-no's from the original, and section it as a region, as well. There is another side that I'm still tossing ideas around for. I was either going to try something I've not done before by tackling a tableau style of the region, or do a side scale subterranean map of a sacred site I've had in mind. A river comparison would be nifty, too. So many choices.

The tableau is tempting because I've been studying a book I purchased on happenstance this year at some point.
Such a wonderful arrangement of different works, highly recommended.

Anyhoo, let me know what you're thinking.