Okay, I got my tablet for the holidays, so now I need to force myself to use it instead of the nice comfortable touchpad (). Proceed with caution, I am NOT a traditional pencil or pen sketcher, this is my first attempt at "sketching" anything beyond technical diagrams for jewelry design or the like which really just served to store ideas until I worked on them. The later work will be much cleaner.

So, starting as primitive as can be, here is the doodle I came up with for the encounter map. Roughly 3 possible encounter areas, the landing, the camp and the house. If I have time, I may do the inside of the house as an inset. I will be attempting to use all elements or artifacts that I create rather than elements from the internet because I need the practice and it should help me get used to the tablet.

Preliminary story: Smugglers have been bringing in contraband to the local town and larger city down the river. The city has sent word that the town needs to stop these miscreants or they will be raising taxes on merchandise coming from the township and searching their cargo when they get to the city. The town has tried without success to track them down (they have only a single magistrate and his deputy) and has now posted a reward for the capture or removal of the smugglers.

Starting with just a doodle to get an idea of where things are at.

### Latest WIP ###
