It just so happens that one of the settings that has been percolating in the back of my mind is a dragon themed setting. This sounds like a good excuse to work on the map for that setting, and maybe even finish it. Although not specifically an oriental type of setting, the dragons are of both an oriental and western nature. As part of the percolating process, I took some time to rework the typical chromatic and metallic dragons from 2nd edition ADnD as well as the oriental dragons to give them longer lives and make them less predictable based on color. It always bothered me when there was an encounter with a dragon and you knew right off the bat whether or not it was a good or bad dragon simply because of its color. But I digress.

Got the basic shape of the islands at this point, now I just gotta fill them with some stuff. Happy with the shape since it kinda looks like an oriental style dragon, and even have a few location names in mind.

### Latest WIP ###
GW Jan Challenge WIP 001.jpg