To demonstrate that this challenge is more flexible than some think, I'll be doing a fairly conventional dungeon map. So, how is it cyberpunk? Well, in classic cyberpunk fashion I'm ignoring how computers actually work. This is a (likely virtual) page in a "netrunner's guide" showing the cyberspace structure of a section of a corporation's computer systems, represented to the hacker as a fantasy environment. Monsters and traps represent defensive software, libraries represent data storage, a forge might represent computerized factory equipment, etc.

My first hour of work has not produced much to show, as I spent most of it looking for possible fonts to use, but here is a background, autogenerated in GIMP and colored to reinforce the Circuit theme. It's just a background and should largely end up covered, but other than the labels, this is the cyberpunkification part. At least, I've got something to post before the last minute!

### Latest WIP ###
Cyberpunk Dungeon.png