When i saw this month challenge i knew that i must be part of this. I give this one a thought and then decided that i want to keep this shape as much original as possible, even when i was deeply concerned about overall square borders.

this time i had about four detailed sketches of the land and picked the one that i liked the most. Now i am little bit behind this WIP you can see here and i must admit that i did a mistake. Its mistake that i do across almost all of my maps. I did scale it too big (or small? Please tell me the right term here) everything on the map is tiny and therefore it has to be a lot of stuff there to fill the continent.

It is not "mistake" in the full meaning of this word, just only that i bite a big piece and i hope that i can chew it in time now.

Anyway, sorry for the uninteresting essay but i had to vent my frustration of drawing tiny little trees for 3 days straight... (they will be in next WIP)

I hope you will like it in the end if i can finish it in time.

Here is my application to the challenge.

PS. Aim for this map was full color but now i will firstly shade it in BW and then i will see and probably do color version after the competition.

### Latest WIP ###