Tale of the Greywalker

It’s been a while, a good while, since I last participated in any kind of role-playing activities, and even longer since there were any maps or dice involved. In the dying days of Prodigy and for perhaps six or seven years afterwards on AOL, I spent quite a bit of time doing chat-based (or, as we often called it, free form) role-play. For those of you that might not be familiar with this sort of thing, it might be better described as cooperative story telling.

The characters weren’t based on any particular gaming system or specific genre, and the stories were free flowing, ever evolving depending on who was participating at the time. For instance, I once played a character that thought he was nothing more than a stage magician, but, as it turned out, he had real magical abilities that often got away from him (he was struck by his own lightning bolts more often than not), and was busily working on a “theory of everything” that somehow involved a recipe for a vegetarian lasagna. There were other characters that I played, but they were often short-lived, serving as a break from playing the character of... You guessed it, Greason Wolfe (sometimes known as Greawolfe, or Greason Nightwolfe). I figured, since I’ve been struggling with other maps, that I’d take this opportunity to tell his story, or at least part of it, and map an Inn as part of the process.

I spent the morning playing around with ideas for the sign to the Inn. It’s not completely done, and it may seem a bit confusing, but as I start to tell Greason’s story, it will begin to make sense.

So anyways, let’s get on with the show.

Sign WIP 001.jpg