Hello, I have been thinking about a egyptian inspried map for a while and when I saw the challange I jumped in. Here is the story.

Asimis owes his wealth to an ancient well that opens to other worlds every 17 years. The Asimis built their cities around the well, which they saw as a blessing. Also, knowing the dangers of other worlds, they erected walls against it. Over the years, the city flourished with the riches brought by other worlds also suffered heavy losses and was on the verge of destruction several times. In the third year of Pharaoh Shepseskaf's rule, it opened up to an ominous world seamingly devoid of any life and wealth. Will the Asimis conquer the sinister world or will it be their destruction?

Sorry for the overzealous introduction.

The map depicts two worlds about to get in each other's throats so I wanted the well to distort and warp the view of both worlds and used a bird's eye perspective (challenging but fun). Bezrobotny is heavily inspired by the works of Michael Brill and Safdar Abidi.

Here is a early sketch (I think its explains the project better at this moment).

### Latest WIP ###