Hey everyone!

I missed the previous dragon challenge! Maybe it was a Light Challenge and that's why. But anyway! Here I be, ready to map.

Once, many years ago, these islands had a different name. Then the earth shook and the sea cast itself at the coasts, and from the chaos an Eye remained on the once peaceful archipelago. The Great Eye of the Dragon Spine Isles. Naturally many tales started filling the taverns of creatures never before seen that now dwell in the many dark corners of these seas. But none so bone chilling than the tales of Mad Men's Run, ones of colossal flying beasts at the now forgotten ruins on those islands, the ones at edge of the terrifying Great Eye that never stops its roaring swirl. Some say there are captains that make the run. Yet, none would boast it out loud, in fear of being branded a liar. But, still those rumors make its roots.


### Latest WIP ###