Hi! I'm new to this forum and only found out about the existence of Wilbur yesterday, when I saw some posts about it. Being able to make realistic rivers and erosion features just by clicking some buttons sounds great, but I'm finding that Wilbur has a pretty steep learning curve and I'm having trouble using it with an existing height map. It's a rough greyscale that I made a while ago. I figured I'd import it to Wilbur and play around for a bit, but when I imported it purple areas appeared on some mountain ranges. It looks like they're abruptly lowered and flattened somehow, and I have no idea why because I don't see any abrupt changes in those areas on the greyscale and they should be mountain tops, not depressions. They also show up on the bump shader texture as solid black and on the slope shader as black outlines. I've tried adjusting the greyscale image in a couple of ways in GIMP and importing it again but have mostly only succeeded in making things worse. If anyone knows what could be causing this problem (and how to solve it) I'd love to hear, because it has me stumped

Original greyscale:

Purple areas:
Wilbur purple.PNG

Bump shader:
Wilbur bump.PNG