I've embarked on my second continent map of Faerūn. The intent the first time was to make a useful map for those who play - something very accurate to 3e canon to be used as a resource and less of an artistic masterpiece. Since (by far) the most time-consuming part of that map was research, that's where most of my attention went - the accuracy. However since the research is already done now, I'm going to have a go at it again with more attention to how it's made.

Admittedly I prefer satellite views so that'll remain consistent and I'll use my first map as the base for drawing the second so it'll share a similar structure, however, it'll all be redrawn and sized up to 20k wide so I can detail it better. This map will have a much cleaner feel and will eventually have a texture placed across it to flatten it all together, specifically for the rendered mountains which pull away from the flat feeling without a texture.

In any case, here's a clip of the map at 100% view.
