Commissioned by a game master for a very fortunate party.

Floating mountainous islands and an airship port serviced by a magical train that twists and turns in the air above the city, casting a large shadow.

This steampunk city is one of my more unique works from this year. A lot of gritty steam detail and mood. I took so long on it that I can see the buildings I started with and buildings I ended with... to me the improvement in my skill as I progressed is jarringly obvious. Which gives me mixed feelings; on one hand I absolutely love it, but it's so obvious to me that the Machinus Sector was the last part of the buildings I completed... I feel like I levelled up on that part of town. Just that section is an entire detailed map in its own right. Whew. This may be one of the most time consuming pieces of art I ever made. I can't even say how long was spent on windows alone.

That all said, this map is full of detail and I hope you enjoy looking at it! Please enjoy, and feel free to check out my other fantasy maps if you liked this and want to see the variety of other maps I've created. I don't think this one is even in my portfolio yet, I can be pretty inconsistent on remembering to post here and there, heh.
The City of Empyrean Souls summer small watermarked.jpg

Because this was a high end commission it came with "time of day" and "season" variations.
The City of Empyrean Souls small watermarked.jpg