Let's try this!

So after playing with different maps generators, I decide to use the Watabou Medieval Fantasy City Generator

I asked for a medium size town with a sea, everything else random, and here is the result I get:


Then I asked myself what could I do with this, and I decide to write a small background for this city, to help me to bring a coherent map to life.

Considering the names, places and geography I had, that were my though:

Darkrock is in the North of the Dinais continent. Area of intense volcanic activity, the rock is dark, and rare are the places suitable for agriculture. A small fishing town at the bottom of a fjord, Darkrocks is the last port in the north to go cod fishing.
The main route to get there is by sea, but a road crosses the mountains and arrives from the west.

The climate is cold and humid, although the winters remain mild. The coasts of the north of Dinais are whipped by the violent winds and assailed by many precipitations.

1253 inhabitants were recorded on the 1st day of the year of the second moon 1463.
The Darkrock population is a balanced trinity of three castes:

The Egnathos (Blue) are sinners, able to breathe underwater. Their emblem is the wave of the northern oceans from which they come. Understandably strong, the Egnathos provide food and exports to the other two classes.

The Proteus (red) are soldiers and privateers, they are strong tacticians. Their emblem is the flame of the surrounding volcanoes from which they originate. They bring protection to the whole city and its activities (fishing and trade)

Euplerides (yellow) are traders: although of weak constitution. They are good speakers and negotiators. Their symbol is a sand hourglass, recalling their desert origins and their mastery of time (only Euplerides are in contact with the outside, they are the guarantors of the synchronization of universal time. They bring wealth and materials to the soldiers and the fishermen.

Darkrocks maintains its economy thanks to its three ports,
The commercial port exports fish and boat building equipment, importing raw materials and food.
Boat and Rope Manufacturing are important at Darkrocks and the ships pulled out of the holds are some of the best in the world.

The political system is a plutocracy led by the 3 richest commanders of ships in each of the 3 classes. The council of three sits at the Volcanic Fort, seat of government and place of withdrawal. Capable of accommodating in the event of conflict the entire population who cannot fight to the sea or take arms up.

I first sketched exactly the same city on a paper (A3 size).

Next step is to change few buildings to get something that makes sense with the lore I wrote, without change on names, shapes or anything else from the generator.

Here is my WIP:

### Latest WIP ###

Dark Rock 05.01.jpg

My objective for this challenge is to try my best but I fixed to myself a constraint of 35 hours max spent in the project.

Time point:
- Research and Lore: 2.5 hours
- Sketches: 2.5 hours

I have 30 hours left to end it.

Hope you'll like it, thanks for reading!