I have completed my project to draw maps of all the major regions in the Cathedral Galaxy! I keep linking back to the overview galactic map here, but I thought it would be cool to put all the regional maps together in one place. I even corrected a couple typos. And I'm trying to abuse the forum formatting to roughly place them in the right relationship, ha!

I suppose I should post a new map here so here is one showing the travel times to and from different points in the galaxy. This is also the speed at which information travels from place to place, via message drone.


The next step in my project is...writing a novel. Eek. I know the story but I will have to spend some time with it to figure out whether that project is going to go well!

In the meantime, though, I have fielded a couple individual questions on Twitter and via email about RPG campaigns in the Cathedral Galaxy setting. I love the idea! In order to provide more unique lore and give some background details that will be consistent with my plot outlines, I took the time to write down a set of references and resources for Game Masters interested in coming up with campaigns that use these maps. I am sure I didn't think of everything, so I'll add to it as questions come up. Here is the link: https://josephshoer.com/blog/2022/01...-gm-resources/

I'm happy to be done with this project and looking forward to the next step. Whew!