I am looking to create a world map for my TTRPG campaign. I have the geography and climate data generated by FT3, but I would like to have this redone in a more presentable way. The nature of this setting means that there will be no labels. This will be a project focused on presenting the shape and climate of the landmasses.

This setting's world is just a little under Earth's circumference: 22,189 miles. I would like the final product to be ~4k resolution.
Climate Map
Average Lightweight.jpg
Gaia Map (standard FT3 render)
(Higher resolution images will be provided.)

This map is intended for my players to decide on paths and to get a feel for the shape of the land, but with perhaps some troublesome scale, so late 1800's projections or
That being said, I love the color of this map, and I would like something generally vibrant.

Quality & Size
[Required for web]
[Dimensions of map: 3840x2160]

Time Constraints
No time limit.

I would like reproduction rights. Specifically, I would like to ensure it is alright to present this map in a livestream (the TTRPG game is livestreamed for friends, but really anyone could watch on Twitch).

Contact Details
carth501 (at)