Thousand Thrones of Gallinor!

Hey guys! This is my first post. I've actually been working on this map on and off for about six months. Gallinor is a dark fantasy, low-magic campaign setting for D&D 3.5. It is inspired by my homeland of Kazakhstan, and is my exploration of a non-european fantasy. Inspirations include the “mythic” silk road, Vedic India, the Ottoman Empire, Arabian Nights, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

I have been heavily inspired by this forum. You guys rock! So I thought I could give back to the community by posting my WIP map. It's been mostly hand-drawn on my iPad Pro with labels and shi added through photoshop. I am really looking for some good ideas and criticism. What's been giving me trouble is borders and colors. I have messed around with coloring the map but nothing solid yet. But it's certainly something in the works. I'm not artistic at all lol and drawing forests scares me. I have been messing around with textures and colors in the sidebars so anything that could help with that would be appreciated. Anyway, here you go.

Gallinor 1.5 smaller wip@0.75x.jpg