Hi to everyone! Wow, this forum is really a blast from the past. I had an account here and posted some maps and tutorials years ago - and by years, i mean years... my posts are from 2009 (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ i decided to make a new account because (1) i forget my login info and (2) i'm a completely different person now!

anywayyy, i've still been making maps all this time, mostly hand-drawn! i mostly make maps for my own written fiction, but i've also done some GMing in the past and made some very juicy maps for that. i'm looking to get back into more professional looking digital mapmaking, as i'd like to make my own maps for novels i'd like to publish someday! here's an example of the latest map i drew, just yesterday:

i'll be posting in mostly the world/regional and town/city mapping sections sooner or later ^_^