I'm not sure where to post something like this, thought I put it in General Discussion. I have created a language for my occult practices and it's going to be developed into a working language. It's still in the beginning stages but has strong implications as a spell casting language as it was intended. I intend to go further and develop it into a conversational language.
Blood Runes - Alphabet (public).png

Here is the Lord's Prayer written in this language. The Language is called Uraesh and it's a language where every character can be vibrated or held in constant tone. The language is meant to be sung. It's a language of song, every word should be sung rather than spoken. It can be chanted as well or simply spoken. I've written one song in this language, but I need to learn to read it before developing more. Once I develop it further, I will update on my social media.
Blood Runes - Lord's Prayer.jpg

I'm not giving the full language, but just the first page of currently known words.
Ae............. To
Ae’em.......... Forsake, Forsook
Aemu........... Land
Aeo............ Dark, Darkness
Aes............ Chaos
Aesh........... Free
Aeshla......... Freedom
Aeshmu......... Forgive
Aesu........... Give
Ajoh........... For
Alae........... Soul
Alash.......... Eye
-ang........... -er, -ier, -ior - Adjective: comparative
Ashae.......... Against
Ashia.......... Bread
Ashla.......... Open
Ashnae......... Wide
Ashumae........ Evil
Aesoh.......... Liberate
Ea............. On
Eanur.......... Lust
Ee’ae.......... Light
Eem............ That
Eenae.......... Make, Build
Eenaem......... Made, Built
Eenae’ang...... Maker
Eenae’angsh.... Makers
Eenur.......... Shall
Eeshmo......... Round
Eeshu.......... Father
El............. Yes
Eloh........... Project
Em............. I, Me, My, One, Self
Emae........... Spirit
Emaesh......... Spirits
Emshae......... Upon
Emsho.......... Sanctuary
Emu............ our
Emur........... Prophecy
Emurae......... The Prophecy – refers to the books of Janu.
En............. But
Eneem.......... Joy
Enshoh......... Corrupt
Enshohsh....... Corrupted
Enu............ Center
Enusae......... Pentacle, Pentagram
Eohem.......... Fear
Eoma........... Will – Refers to force of mind.
-es............ -ing
Eshmae......... By the power of
Eshoh.......... Have
Eshohm......... Has
Eshu........... Child
Eshua.......... Salvation
Eshua Urisos... Jesus Christ