For the impossible geography challenge, consider if you will, a map without end. Where all direction gives way to the endless. And through it all, the Rift. Portals to another world, a way out? No. And only now by glimpsing its true shape do we know, you may pass through, travel through the very center of the void, but within it you remain, unless...

Mobius Rift (note link may not load on mobile devices , but for desktop users, check it out!)
### Latest WIP ###

Notes on a ridiculous workflow:
With a start from donjon; Fantasy World Generator

Followed by some watercolor

Then mapped in Blender, this was fun.

and animated in Unity --> ThreeJS to load on the web, via Needle

And, who knew, this was already a thing...

Mark P. Kumler & Waldo R. Tobler (1991) Three World Maps on a Moebius Strip, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 18:4, 275-276, DOI: 10.1559/152304091783786781