Hi there!

I am on the search for someone who would be willing to help me map out a continent for my home DnD game (privately used).
The continent itself is an extension of the world of Exandria from Critical Role. (this saves me having to come up with a whole new pantheon and I can keep some of the general lore )

It is quite large and comparable in size to the already existing continent of Wildemount. I have tried my hand at mapping it myself so I think I have a fairly good idea for what I want everything to look like, however I could never bring myself to actually continue as I was not really satisfied with my work and there are a few stretches that have not been filled history-wise either.
So I would love to work with someone, that could help me fill in the missing pieces along the way as well. (Doesn't have to be lore but at least filling in the empty stretches on the map with points of interest.)

Now, I would like for the map to be drawn digitally, and have a high enough resolution, so it doesn't look terrible close up when printed on A2 paper. (aka 16.5 x 23.4 inches)
Style-wise I am quite open for ideas, it just shouldn't be too photorealistic.

I am also not on any schedule as of now, and I would like to have the occasional back and forth to make sure everything ends up well, although I am guessing that is common practice anyway.
Of course, I will happily compensate you for your time and efforts as well.

If you're interested, you can reply here or email me directly!
I'm looking forward to working with you.

Contact Details:

If you would like to contact me or for later communication, my email is:

(remove the -- and convert "at" to @)