Well this has been a bit of a tricky one, Bogie. Trying to come up with something in the first place but I think I have developed enough of a story to start a thread. So here goes.

The Omega Key
Simply put the Omega Key is an old artefact with Greek letters on one side and a number of pins on the other that come out/protrude as the letters on the top are pushed. In the centre is a pin with omega on it. This cannot be pushed down and so no pin comes out of the centre. Nobody knows its purpose, although some suspect it is some kind of key but for what and where that is nobody really knows. For some reason an adventure party has the key - perhaps they found it in another adventure. Or an old family heirloom or something.

DM notes:
The centre pin does move, it's just the right number of letters have to be pressed before the centre pin moves, thus completing the key. The key opens the door to a dungeon where the adventure party can adventure.

The Map
The map comes into the party's possession - perhaps sold by a mysterious stranger in the local Prancing Pony tavern where the party are staying. Lots of scope for clichés here, and the cornier the better IMO The map is quite like all the other maps of the realm/region. It has some brief information about some of the places on it. The only thing that makes it different is it has written on it "Between a rock and a hard place". The party have to figure this out and work out which place to visit next based on what they find there.

DM notes:
At each main location there's a symbol (Greek letter) and a statement. The order in which each symbol is collected is the order that they are pressed on the key. Having got them in the correct order the centre pin is released (which happens to be omega shaped and fits into a lock on the door. The pins on the key push pins in the lock the correct distance to release the middle ring which then needs to be turned in the correct direction. This released the middle ring (the centre pin) which allows the lock to be opened when rotated in the correct direction. Edit: Oops, forgot something: the nearby statement is the clue to the next location to visit.

I'll start on the map soon but before I do here's a look at the back of the key...
### Latest WIP ###
Omega Key.png