I’m a professional lead architect drawing suburban public spaces during daytime and a ttrpg nerd and cartography afficionado by night. These two hobbies of mine led me to art school, art history and further into the field of architecture.

I’m currently posting work in progress maps and illustrations on Instagram under the name Regin the mapmaker where I also posted some tutorials.

I’m one of the founders of Nordic Skalds making maps, illustrations, trailers, logotypes, typefaces and graphic design for our highly successful Kickstarter Windheim and the Horn of the Dawn, a third party supplement for Dragonbane/Drakar och demoner role playing game.

I’m running a private campaign with my kids in a world I’m designing map by map and location by location. Also writing the world module, campagin and free standing oneshots in parallell. I like to start out by hand and then taking it digital.

I’m looking forward to share some of my work, participate in challanges, get feedback and give feedback in this lovely mess of mapmakers and lovers of maps.

Here’s a small selection of my work, visit Regin the mapmaker for more stuff and latest updates.

Map of Windheim
Windheim rev3_low.png

Plainsville (in Windheim)
Plainsville 07.png