Something deep in the bowels of the earth was moving.
The drow metropolis beneath the vale of dead men was still, the inhabitants staying inside as much as possible.
A cold wind was sweeping down from the mountains down the valley and into the caverns below, bringing a bitter chill that no fire could sooth.
The lich lord Invanus stood on top of one of these mountains, and had been chanting for a week now.
The winds started to howl, the clouds started to converge.
In the bowels of the city below, corpses started to turn in their graves, but this lich did not call forth a shambling horde of zombies or skeletons, no, Invanus had greater plans.
Instead of animating the corpses of the pethatic races that inhabited this realm, he would call forth the souls of daemons and the most malicious of entities dwelling in the shadow realms.
The few drow that were out could see shadows moving in the alleys, but there would be nobody there.

The citizens heard several screams from outside, and sometimes even from their neighbours. The shadows were released on this city, and are stalking the citizens at this very moment. Not many have died so far, but fear has taken a stranglehold on the minds of the drow citizens.

Undead +1
Drow -1

Human: 21
Elves: 25
Barbarians: 23
Dwarves: 28
Dragons: 30
Undead: 29
Halflings: 26
Giants: 24
Orks: 18
Drow: 26
Octoclops:0 (this is what you get for adding the bugger =P )

Would be a shame to let this game die?