found this last night, strange that i didn't find it when i was researching the topic.. ken musgrave's dissertation on procedural landscapes -

currently fishing for ways to improve the efficiency of the 3d perlin algorithm.. looks real nice but takes over a minute to process for 8 octaves (over 1.4 trillion cubic interpolations..) and atm only rotation on the y-axis is implemented (that would add a few trillion transcendental functions).

thought about using a precomputed 3d array.. eg. generate an 8-8-8 perlin array, then use tricubic interpolation to flush that out to say a 64-64-64 array (2^18 cubic interpolations) so there are 8 'curved' points between each original 'sample'. the 64-64-64 array is then read with linear interpolation (0.33 trillion lerps).

for some reason my compiler crashes with very large arrays.. i can do 4-4096-2048 (2^25) but not 2^26.