Quote Originally Posted by feanaaro View Post
I don't know about you, but I see this as green, decidedly green, not transparent at all.
It actually is transparent, load up maptools, drop it in an see for yourself

Quote Originally Posted by madcowchef View Post
I think it would have more interest if you shaded it as if it had some perspective.
Well the reason you don't see any perspective is because it's a top-down view of a cube, all you'll see is a square-like shape.

Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
Don't mean to take control of your thread, but you inspired me to try to create a gelatinous cube that is transparent, with bubbles, a skeleton inside and a sword. Perhaps this example could inspire you to do something similar. This was created in 3D, modeled in Nendo, and rendering with transparency done in Raydream Studio... enjoy.


Wow thats very cool! Actually the token I made is transparent as well. Too bad no one tried it out to see for themselves :c. Also, the reason I didn't put anything inside of it was because I figured it could be more universally applied in that case because otherwise if the cube was defeated then the party may ask: "Oh hey! Is the stuff on the token actually there?" And I've NEVER seen a gelatinous cube token that DIDN'T have stuff inside it before so I figured I'd try going for it.

But yeah, yours looks pretty badass