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Thread: WIP: Waterdeep (commission, for Leopardi)

  1. #11


    It really is coming along beautifully I have to say! I'm a big fan of how the arches have turned out, better than how I'd originally envisioned them. And the layout on the western arch is tied together well, spacious and airy, befitting the winged elves that live there. A few thoughts as I'm looking at the sketch (feel free to accept or reject any of them!):
    - Under the eastern arch I can't tell whether the shore is slightly indented or whether there's a cave-like recess underneath the jetty there (perhaps a sort of Cloaca Maxima?). I think it might be more interesting to go with the latter, if it's possible to work it in realistically.
    - If possible, the Mayor's House should have a small platform/stage abutting its south side (i.e. where you've written "Mayor's") similar to the Loggia dei Lenzi in Florence (in fact, the space in front of it could be laid out like the Piazza della Signoria if it's not too cramped to do so). Its roof would reach roughly midway up the wall of the mayor's house, and a balcony from the house would overlook the loggia and the piazza (I imagine the view to the loggia stage would be blocked by its roof - not much can be done about that, as far as I know).
    - The rotunda of the domed building (on the main level of the city, not the one on the western arch) reminds me of the Pantheon's in Rome. Is it modeled on a particular building, out of curiosity? Regardless, a very nice touch!
    - I can't quite tell from the sketch whether you're planning on a single bridge spanning the river or whether there may be one or more others upstream. I'm not sure if I have a preference for any other river spans, but my eye keeps getting drawn near the northern city gate where I wonder if some sort of defensive structure spanning the river would work nicely. If possible I'd hold off inking there before we can discuss our options.
    - Is there room to fit in something reminiscent of the Place de l'Hotel-de-Ville upriver of the bridge on the east side, near the ghetto? Perhaps a smaller version of this?:
    - Perhaps one or two impressive examples of French Gothic architecture could be located on the east side of the city (maybe even in the ex-mural suburbs near the city wall if they don't fit well inside?), to represent the Gallic influence on the city in years past? I've mentioned their influence is limited, so these would be legacies from a distant past.

    I've run out of time for writing so I'll leave it there for now. Again, great job so far!

  2. #12
    Guild Expert Wingshaw's Avatar
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    @Abu Lafia: Thanks. As to your question: for me, the most important thing is to do a good job on the streets: showing not only the overall layout, but indicating the way a street gets wider or narrower, the way it bends or has a kink in it; this comes from defining the street from the city blocks, rather than the other way round (Ilanthar's map seems to do the same thing, and is, as far as I can tell, an excellent imitation of real-world historic urban form). Pencilling in the blocks in 3-dimensions simply helps me to keep the scale consistent (city maps, I think, are notorious for building scale becoming inconsistent as the cartographers works).

    @Tainotim: Thanks. I surged ahead with the map last night, nearly doubling the amount drawn, so it should only be a couple of days before I am ready to update again. And no need to worry about the height of that arch: I'm sure the sea-elvish town underneath is full of good Samaritans

    @Bogie: thanks!

    @Leopardi: Thanks Leopardi, for the praise and the additional notes. I have sent you an email responding to each of those points.


    Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer

  3. #13
    Guild Expert Wingshaw's Avatar
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    Finally got round to posting another update. Unfortunately the picture quality is absolutely awful: had to take photos with my tablet, rather than scanning the drawing. This is also likely to be the case until the drawing is complete and I get to a copy shop. Hopefully it is at least mostly legible.

    The first pic shows overall image;
    The second shows the eastern hill in detail;
    The third shows the western area, mostly finished, and with a prominent Elven building.building;
    The fourth is a concept image for the Petrified Forest.

    What do people think?

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    Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer

  4. #14
    Guild Expert Abu Lafia's Avatar
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    Hey THW, as the last update, this is beautiful! And thanks for the answer on my question two weeks ago... . It's sometimes hard to keep track of my own activity, so i just subscribed to the thread!
    - the first three pics are displayed upright (?), but maybe its only my browser. The picture quality of the second and fourth are indeed a bit awful, the others are ok for a photo. Anyways, it doesn't lower the great quality of the map itself.

  5. #15


    It's looking impressive THW! Even if the picture quality is indeed not very good.

  6. #16


    Still looking great, THW! It's true, the details are a little hard to make out, but from what I can see things are coming along quite well. I'll make comments as I think of them (i.e. no particular order) while I scan each picture:
    - The portico abutting the mayor's house is wonderful, nicely reminiscent of the Loggia dei Lenzi.
    - I like the look of the Petrified Forest section (it looks like this has just been sketched so far I think?). The density of columns is fairly high here, which works well; I envision the density falling off as the forest fans out to the northwest, across the road; that is, the park shouldn't be completely full, but should have some spaces where future columns will be erected.
    - I like the winged statue (similar to Winged Victory of Samothrace, it appears?) flanking the western arch where the winged elves live. Very nice touch!
    - I take it the far western collection of buildings with the two high-reaching towers represents the elven community? As I've mentioned, I'm not sure what this area should look like, but I definitely like what you've done!
    - I think I spy two buildings in the French Gothic style (on the far side of the bridge and to the left, and another one block over from Belkin Market (the latter partially in ruins? Or perhaps it's not French Gothic after all - tough to tell with the picture quality). I like the placement, and am eager to see the final product(s)!
    - I like the layout of the western (inner) wall. It looks a little older than the buildings around it (not sure if the markings on it are cracks or other indications of age? They're a little blurry in the pictures) which is the intention, since the wall is a legacy of earlier times and hasn't been used or kept up in some time.

    That's all I can think to add right now. Is there anything in particular you'd like to have input on, THW?

  7. #17
    Guild Expert Wingshaw's Avatar
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    Thanks Abu Lafia and Ilanthar.

    @Leopardi: thanks. To respond to your questions:
    --The main thing I wanted to know was if the Petrified Forest was ok. I'll keep in mind what you say about thinning the columns as it goes north.
    --Yes, that building is meant to be Elven (although that is northern, not western, remember?)
    --You're right also about the French Gothic (one of them is the Hotel De Ville one you mentioned)
    --I'm glad you like the inner wall. I wasn't sure the cracks and lines would give the impression I wanted, but, since it is meant to look older, I guess I was successful.


    Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer

  8. #18
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor - Max -'s Avatar
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    Ah I missed this thread Anyway, great job THW. I notice what could be a slight perspective issue though. The part on the rocks on the sea doesn't seem to have the same angle view as the rest fo the map, which attract the eye (at least mine) on a perspective gap.

  9. #19
    Guild Expert Wingshaw's Avatar
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    Finally, another update!

    The western part of the walled city is done, and I've started on the east. The gnome houses on the eastern side are inspired by southeast Italian architectural styles.

    The dragon in the lower right corner was an idea from a French guy in my house. I quite like the idea, but it is down to the client, as always.

    Sorry again about the poor picture quality.

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    Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer

  10. #20
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Lingon's Avatar
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    Wow, this looks gorgeous! I'm also seeing the perspective issue that Max pointed out, but it could be caused by the camera angle too, it's hard to say. The individual blocks look flawless, but across the whole city, it appears skewed. If you want to improve the picture quality, try taping the paper to a wall so you can take a photo at 90 degrees to the surface more easily.

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