from post #4
Celestia 1.6.1

this displays full planets ( i create planets ,moons and asteroids and smallbodies for this program )
it dose not make them
if you pull the last SVN code it's version will be 1.7 not the very old 1.6.1
1.7 uses QT4 for the GUI now ( we dumped GTK / GLUT )

and Gimp

the current STABLE 2.8.14 is 8 bit ONLY
gimp3 will handle 32 bit and 16 bit images

the current DEVELOPMENT unstable 2.9 dose
-- odd numbering is all DEVELOPMENT ONLY and all even numbers are release
you can pull the code from git and build on windows using MinGW
( MS visual studio is usable but a royal pain to try)

and Mingw is FREE ( gpl)