Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
The textures and details are great, the side view is fantastic.
Thanks Bogie.
Quote Originally Posted by Teferi View Post
Exactly this!
J'adore! Light, Clean, Crisp, and Cold Colours, just lovely!
Do you plan on adding any weathering to the rooftiles? Little areas of darker Tiles, where moss has maybe grown a little bit? Maybe addinge some small damages? As is I love it, but it looks LESS like a picture of an actual lived in sinojapanesesque Fortress, and MORE like a technical drawing of just that, a little bit sterile and too perfect I would maybe say?
Thanks Teferi.
Well, it is a map and a map is basically a technical drawing of a place....
I will likely add some 'dirtiness' to this toward the end.
I do sometimes have to draw a line somewhere or the map would never be completed, as there is always more 'realism' that can be thrown in there.
Quote Originally Posted by Obbehobbe View Post
This is great, but one thing came to mind... the sea needs to be completely still to keep a straight shadow like that. I don't know how it would work but maybe some kind of ripple-effect on the water to simulate it's not a plain blue blanket?
I got ahead of myself by doing the shadows before doing other parts. Normally I would have drawn in the waves before doing shadows, since the wave activity will determine the surface turbulence of the water that the shadows falls on. So now I have to do the waves and then correct the shadows. But I'll try to avoid having a blue blanket.
Quote Originally Posted by Warlin View Post
really great !
Thank you Warlin.