Here are two pieces, i started working on while procrastinating my challenge map Not sure when i'll come back to them and maybe make a proper wip, but i wanted to share it with you guys nonetheless and thought this might be a good place for this.

One day i was playing around with the wonderful planet generator by Torben Morgensen and saved some coastlines i liked the most. Here i worked with a mixture of "automated" processes in gimp (mostly stroking a path of the coastline with different sorts of brushes and layermodes) and handdrawn elements on the basis of these generated coastlines.
The mountains in the first pic are rather simple , though i like them actually. The ones in the second are done in the style of the mountains i made on my Tarkir map.
For the title-parchment i used nearly the same technique as for the coastline on both maps.

TNBM_Ausschnitt.jpg Grant_Karst_WIP_I.jpg

I hope you enjoy it. Any kind of feedback is, as always, very welcome!