Quote Originally Posted by Josiah VE View Post
Uh oh, better watch your backs or else the anti-cheese monks will sabotage the monastery... Naw, it's too far of a journey for them.
I am preparing support troops as we speak to aid in the defense of the Monastery. There has been too much anti-cheese violence of late, and we must do what we can to stem this tide before someone breaks the peace of Cheese
Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
You are welcome to come to the monastery and try the many different types of cheese made there. And of course, all of the other things that cheese is made for

I hear there is some form of smokeweed made by a race called "hobbits" that we might have to start a trade agreement with....and, of course, go sample some!
I sent out a merchant ambassador to a far island nation several days ago, on the rumor that they were in need of cheese and had some fine pipeweed to trade.
Perhaps upon their return, some merchants will make their way north with new spicy cheeses and this legendary pipeweed.