Also, I'll be sure to note down Highball where it is on my future updates.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
How about "Drunkpunk"? :p
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Love the Art Nouveau stylings, but I'm kind of a biased party in that sense, heh.
Current Project: The Low Countries & Their Periphery, c. 1584
Do you like Renaissance and early modern history? Check out my Facebook page, Renaissance Netherlands with Will Phillips.
So draft 3 - colour! I've coloured it to indicate climate and some jiggery pokery to give it texture, plus sketched in provinces and some cities. What do you think? In some ways I quite liked the more monochrome look but the colour looks pretty. I tried using an art nouveau palette but I wonder if it spoils the purity of the style.
Oh, and mountains. I'm not great at sketching mountains so here's an emboss effect that gives an impression of terrain without using mountain stamps.
### LATEST WIP ###
Comments much appreciated! I'm still tinkering with cities/features so it's far from finished.
Last edited by Robulous; 04-13-2016 at 02:00 PM.
I think I like the monochrome better. It just seemed so classy! If you do want to go with color, maybe have solid colors without the shading, and maybe desaturate a little more? Lots of options will probably work.
I'm not so sure about the embossed mountains with this style. Put them in your back pocket for later, but maybe on this map there would be some art deco design that would work well for mountains instead.
Latest complete maps: East Wickham | Oghura | The Cathedral Galaxy | Jezero
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There is some shading in art nouveau but yes you're right solid colours are more common. I'm just not enough of an artist to do it justice. And I haven't found any examples of maps done in an art nouveau style for inspiration. Suggestions welcome!
That's an original and unsual style. Quite pleasant actually. It's a wonder that the people of Valpolicella are able to draw maps... maybe early in the morning?
You have some overlapping (cool) logos on the label close to Wisqui strait.
I like the colours, the pastel and very slow colour transition works well I think. As for art nouveau it still seems to fit, they mixed shading and flat colours together, which caused the shading to really pop. They also did a lot of wood marquetry and the mountains bring my mind to that comparison rather than anything else, so I feel it suits the style. Better to look good, than to pointlessly stick to the book IMO.