Hi everyone.

Is this a good place to ask generic questions about making requests?

I'm preparing to post a paid request. I'm wondering what a reasonable amount of time to wait for offers to come in before selecting. For me, presumably longer = more offers = better ability to compare offers i.e. to get a feel for how price scales as quality increases. The guild members' general consensus to keep their pricing style is respectable, but I likewise would prefer not to include my budget in my request, as I expect doing so would bias the offers one way or the other, and I can only guess at what I should expect.

That said, I don't want to keep artists "hanging" without a definite response while I wait to see other options and get a feel for the market, nor do I want to turn artists away early when I can't be sure what the optimal offer for my needs will look like.

So my question is, what would be a good time after posting a paid request to select an artist? What would you consider a reasonable balance between waiting to find the best match and not leaving artists in limbo for too long?

Thank you for any advice you can give me.