Posting to ask for some opinions on some maps I have been working on (this is the world map I created for mine and my friend's table top RPG universe). I also have some of the images I made while planning this:

First draft using the render cloud on photoshop and a bit of colour:
North Mid'iir.png

North Mid'iir map white.jpg

Added new (and more detailed) border lines and labels:
North Mid'iir present map .png

Extended world. New continents:
Known Mid'iir.png

Finished Product. (It's actually higher resolution than this since I'm going to be printing it off in A1 but I had to sacrafise some of that for uploading here):
Map for upload.jpg

I would love to hear what you think. I wish I could get into more detailed, smaller scale mapping but I lack the photoshop skillz so I go for large. Thanks.