Hi! I've been "lurking" here for quite awhile and made a post or two here and there. Thought this may be a good place to ask a question:
I have CC3 and am looking at maybe getting Hexographer. I wondered what people thought about those programs.

My background:
- NOT an artist, in any sense of the word
- I am seeking to create maps for games (D&D specifically).
- I have dabbled in Photoshop (basically creating avatars or resizing downloaded pictures). I did do a little map making in PS (I have version 7).
- I have a manilla folder of all the old maps I hand drew over the past 3 decades.

My "problems":
Hand drawing a map is "easy" for me. I see my idea in my head and my hand kinda sorta does what I tell it to. When I go to use digital software, there is a process between what I see in my head and how to get it onscreen that proves most difficult for me. I realize and understand that this only gets better by actually using the software, but sitting down for hours on end (or spending whole weekends) getting comfy with the program fails when I try. So "ease of use" and "simple learning curve" are the top factors for me.

I'd like to be able scan my old maps in (I do have a scanner/laser printer) and see that others do this, but I really want the "layering ability" that digital software adds.

So far, my biggest hurdle with CC3 is the symbol selections, like mountains, forests, and all that overland stuff. Even the city designer portion seems troublesome for me. I have no clue (I know there are lots of great tutorials here) about how to change the symbols to something I like better. Like I said, not an artist

This is why I am looking at Hexographer. From what I've seen on their site (and the free download trial I have tried), I like the simplicity of a hex with some trees in it or swamps or fields. The "deluxe package" for Hexographer is a little pricey ($75-ish) and so was wondering if it will help me, or just end up like CC3 for me: a struggle to create with.


PS: I hope this is the right area and also apologize if this was asked earlier.