With my script you need (ok not need but dead useful to have) a height map and maybe a vegetation map but essentially yes its automated - which is why all my maps look the same. I dont put a lot of effort into them

Will I publish the app. Actually thats a possibility this time ! Its not GeoTerSys which is the nightmare app to use which is what I use to generate all of the masks for it but if you do create the masks manually, and thats not that hard, then it works great. My app is a programmable texture engine. You load up the seamless texture swatches, and the greyscale masks, and the height maps and then this giant set of graphs and rules as a text file.

So it maps greyscale or height map values to textures and applies them with the rule set.

You then say how big the output image should be and then let it go. A few seconds later and voila you have the fully textured up map.

I did my city sector base map using it with the viewingdale icons on the top and I use that kind of process for practically every map I ever do - even the dungeon types.

You can easily do everything this app does on Gimp only this app captures the process in the text script and you can rerun it with changes and tweaks or just let it rip with the same set on a completely new height map and masks set and it generates a new but similar terrain.

The guild was going to do some selling of stuff but it kinda didnt pan out. I was going to put it up on that. Maybe I should do it on RPG now or something. All it would need is a big help file. Its command line as usual and was used in the massive build system that was in MeDem to texture each of the 1600 tiles used to make up the terrain. I also used it to texture up each frame in the animated sequences for a demo movie clip.

I'll have another think about doing that.