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Thread: In need of program advice for a new continent map!

  1. #1

    Default In need of program advice for a new continent map!

    Hello and thank you for taking the time to view my thread!

    I'm looking in to which program i need to invest in. the continent I would like to build would have details revolving around one of the Four Horseman based on their respective cardinal direction. War/west Conquest/east Famine/north Death/south.

    the map doesn't have to be in extreme detail, but having a hard time finding a program i can use that i would also be able to blow up the size and print on something that is roughly 120" diagonal measurement. I'm also not the best of drawer and don't have the cash available for to pay someone to draw a map from scratch. the other point that would be helpful is if the program would have plug-ins for different styles of terrain and for bodies of water. lava, desert, and snow would be great plug-ins to have but unnecessary.

    if such a map already exists, or maybe something I could port to my configuration easily, i'd be more than happy with that too.

    thanks again for your time!

  2. #2

    Default continued.

    Also, if anyone does any work on maps for pay I'd be more than happy to be linked to them or at least get a name with rates.

  3. #3
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Would Campaign Cartographer do what you want? I don't use the program but hopefully Mouse or Tonnichiwa (skilled CC users) might drop by and offer advice.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  4. #4


    That does sound like a job for Campaign Cartographer - mainly because its a vector app and you can export the map at any scale you please, unlike bitmap apps where scale is limited to the resolution of the bitmap itself. 120" maps should be no problem at all, once you have mastered the art of exporting the jpg files in appropriately sized sections ready for actual printing on paper.

    CC3 also fulfils most if not all the remaining criteria, since it uses oodles of premade symbols/icons for things like villages, cities, and various landmarks.

    It does have a learning curve, but providing you read and work all the way through the example first map in the user manual you should be all right

    The basic CC3 plus app is an overland mapping app, but if you want to make dungeons or cities as well the facility (and all the extra fills and icons for the job) come as the two main add-ons: City Designer 3, and Dungeon Designer 3.

    If you make a purchase and don't get on with the software, or its not really what you were looking for, I believe there is still a 14 day money back arrangement, though I haven't checked for quite a while.

    Hope that was helpful

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