I second this idea and would love to see a challenge based on it.

As I mentioned in another thread, as a beginner, I do need something like this to kickstart the creative process. The January challenge was awesome in this regard. That is not to say that drawing a tribute map is a bad idea, not at all, but I found that getting some concrete guides (like the labels in the last challenge or the coastlines mentioned here) helped me a lot to get a larger map done. If it weren't for those labels, I would have never thought that I could make such a map.

On the other hand, the current Lite challenge is to map a mysterious entrance. While it's a very cool idea, it is quite vague - or it allows a lot more freedom - which is probably a great thing for advanced cartographers, but I feel that for a beginner, it's a bit too broad. (Other map making rookies here: feel free to contradict me if that is not the case for you.)

So, yeah, I do realize that some people might not agree with this, but since we were invited to vote on these ideas, here's my opinion...