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Thread: [Paid] In Need of a Custom Map

  1. #1

    Help [Paid] In Need of a Custom Map

    -Here's my dilemma. After taking on this project myself and scrapping more then three maps (one of which was "finished") I've given up on myself and am no looking to people that know what they are doing when it comes to cartography.

    Currently, I am have a writing project that's solely to entertain me. The creation of a map for the continent this project takes place on has become my biggest road block to date. What I'm looking for is a land mass of equal or greater size to the US (no resemblance needed.)

    As it is currently I only need the land mass and land features; no names or places yet, but I'll want to be able to keep in touch with the artist so that they can be added at a later date.

    As a warning... I'm picky as hell, but I'm more than willing to pay through the nose for you to put up with me. I'll keep an eye out for any interest.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2


    What kind of map you want? Done by hand or more realistic.

  3. #3
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    As Joao Paulo said a little more detail on the kind of map you prefer would be helpful...

    hand-drawn or software-generated, b&w or color, map size, etc. the more info you can provide the better.

    I would also suggest you look thru the Finished & WIP map forums you may find something that is already done, or close to completion that suits your needs.
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

  4. #4


    Without a target its very hard to do anything.

    Why don't you look at the many other maps on the site (and elsewhere) and narrow down what you're looking for. If this is just your own use you may find something you can adapt.

    Anything someone else makes will require some adaptation.


  5. #5
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Heres a few quickie pointers. Here is a link to the keyword index where you can go down to World and get a whole load of links to peoples worlds.

    Also there is out Collaborative World Building Project where we build a world combined where people have done tiles in a region. Click here for a map of the region and if you like any of the tiles then you can look up who did them and get in touch with them and ask if they might like to do your map - or at least we know what style you like.

    The links to the tiles are here. They are numbered a bit weird but generally in a 5x5 tile with the right 6th row doing the rest of them.

  6. #6


    Really the map I want now could be CG or hand drawn colored or otherwise. The size on the otherhand... I'd like to take it to a landscape printer once finished for a 6 foot rendition. This is for a fantasy novel project that takes place in a medieval period and is going to be the reference map for the writing. That said, CG might be the easiest style for someone to do this in.

    As to something that's already done... In the long run I may exercise the option to get it published and make money off of it. Thus I feel it is a must that the map is original and the artist is paid.

    After this was posted I was contacted, so I am speaking with someone currently, but nothing is set yet. So... if you have interest

  7. #7
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Is that 6ft with fine detail in it - like an atlas (hand drawn shapes and lines) or a satellite photo (computer rendered landscape looking realistic) ? I.e. is it a simple(ish) map that needs to be blown up to 6ft and still print well or does the original need to have 6 feet of detailed stuff in it like a complete campaign world at high res ?

  8. #8


    Mostly I'm looking for lay of the land. Detailed enough to give me the generals, mountains, rivers, lakes, highlands, lowlands...

    I looked through list you gave:

    And came up with these three being my favored:

    Torq's Groam:

    Jezelf's Mythkhardia:

    And Redrobes' Thrubmorton Fens:

    All of these I liked immensely.

  9. #9
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Oh right

    So something rendered or realistic. Well definitely get in touch with Jezelf and Torq too but I can say that I would be interested - at least in doing the terrain map before putting the cities and stuff on top. I write a terrain generator designed for large maps so with a realistic map in mind it should be no problem. Mega size is ok too - you don't want to know how big were aiming to do Middle Earth using it. The only real caveat is that it uses a physics engine and fluid dynamics calculations to determine where rivers go. Its hard to make it put them exactly where you want them, they will follow where the terrain reckons that they should flow. We can add a hill to move it a bit but its not like drawing it specifically exactly where you think it must flow etc. You get the idea.

    If you look at this thread of Neons world, I made him a version using it to give you some comparison to other similar maps. My post is #21

    If you dont mind what shape it is as long as its realistic then its perfect for you.

  10. #10


    The download was unavailable, but just the things I have seen, I'm impressed.

    Shape... doesn't matter so much, but land mass does. I'm looking to map out a large continent and its surroundings. Something in the whereabouts of North America with a wide possible range of climates.

    If you think its doable for you, I like your work, When can we start?

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